Cherry blossoms
in Ulsan May 2005
Photo by leojmelsrub
The mix of snow, rain, sun and hail all in one day (in the middle of March) can make you wonder what is going on here in the Northwest. If you've lived in Portland long enough, you know that it usually means spring is almost here. With it comes the beautiful cherry blossoms, tulips, and (unfortunately), allergies.
As I have mentioned before, I have a lot of experience in this field of health issues, and I will be the first to say that acupuncture has helped me the most with the misery of a runny nose, wheeze, and red, itchy eyes and skin. However, you must start treating it before the symptoms arrive.
So start now, while it's still raining! Check out your local acupuncturist for a series of visits- twice a week will work wonders for it. If you are here in Portland and twice a week seems like a lot of money, check out the CAN website for group acupuncture at a great price.
In the mean time, I recommend, Bi Yan Pian or Cang Er Zi Wan (Upper Chamber) to help open the nose and clear excess phlegm before the congestion takes over. You can find these from your practitioner or Wing Mings on 82nd Street.