Photo by Spiderwoman
Childrens Hospital is integrating acupuncture into treatment plans for kids!
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles is collaborating with the Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to provide acupuncture and Chinese medicine to pediatric patients. The Pediatric Acupuncture Program began treating patients in January of this year, and Dr. Jeffery Gold, the director of Pedictric Pain management stated that "...acupuncture may serve to harmonize Traditional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine as a means of promoting preventive care and symptom management for children." More information on this collaboration can be read here.
Childrens Hospital Boston has been utilizing acupuncture to help with chronic pain management as well as diseases such as asthma, constipation, and dental pain. Acupuncture is used in conjuction with Western medical care at the hospital in order to “.... decrease children’s pain and symptoms so that they may participate in activities at school, in sports and with their peers,” reports Dr. Yuan Chi Lin, director of Children's Medical Acupuncture Services .
I look forward to seeing how many pediatric hospitals in the US and hopefully throughout the world will be using acupuncture to help children in the future!