relaxing during a treatment at WCA One of the first posts on this blog featured a favorite clinic of mine- Working Class Acupuncture. Since it's been over a year (!), I thought I'd update you on this fantastic way to experience the healing effects of acupuncture.

Still going strong, Working Class Acupuncture is changing the health care system by offering affordable (sliding scale) and thorough treatments for all. Check out the previous post for more information on community acupuncture, and be sure to read Lisa Rohleder's blog to see what the newest happenings are at Working Class.

Pamela O'Malley Change recently published an article in Utne magazine about her experience with community acupuncture and how it inspired her. Read it here!

Also, check out this video produced by Moses, one of the acupuncturists at Working Class Acupuncture.

Acupuncture offered at an affordable price makes it available to everyone. We can't sit around and wait for it to change in the US healthcare to happen- we have to change it ourselves. The people in the community acupuncture setting have started a revolution in the healthcare system, which is exactly what needs to happen.

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