A classmate of mine just informed me about a recent online article about facial acupuncture. Check it out here!
Cosmetic acupuncture can be very helpful in treating wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines. Small, thin needles (even smaller than the usual needles used for body acupuncture) are inserted shallowly into the skin to increase blood flow and energy of the skin. There are no side effects, the needles are smaller than those used with Botox, and it's very effective. Acupuncture.com also has a newsletter that discusses cosmetic acupunture.
If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic acupuncture, the Mei Zen System is one I have heard a lot of good press about. A lot of spas in Portland are also interested in acupuncture, and the cosmetic industry may be opening up a whole new world for L.Ac's.