River Rapid Now that summer break is over and autumn is officially here, it's time to see what's new with acupuncture!

-Acupuncture Chicago posted a research article on acupuncture and moxibustion turning breech babies with a breech presentation (baby's head is up instead of down in utero). The technique has been used for centuries, and has been proven time and again to work when other methods won't.

-The Acupuncture Relief Project is going to back to Nepal for the third year! Check out their website to donate and support this incredible program that helps hundreds of people every year in Chapagoan, Nepal.

-Lynn Jaffee of Twin Cities Acupuncture wrote a great article on weight loss. Acupuncture is a great adjunct to any weight loss program, and your practitioner can give you great ideas on which foods to eat, and the Chinese Medicine theories on which foods to eat and which foods to avoid when you are trying to lose weight.

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