Customisable Multi Time Zone Analogue Clocks V3

Time Zone clock from

I'm back from the trip, and many apologies for the posts that were lacking pictures, links, etc. I wasn't able to fix them during the break. The posts the last 2 weeks have all been fixed! sorry...

I wanted to share the amazing technique I used for jet lag during my recent trip. John Amaro, LAc, Dipl. Ac., FIAMA, DC, wrote a great article about using acupuncture for jet lag. Check it out HERE! It doesn't involve needles (which you can't use on planes anyway), but ear seeds, which are cheap and easy to use. Basically the method involves using the circadian clock, and stimulating certain points for the timezone you are heading to. It resets your clock to a different time zone as you fly. Although it didn't take away the complete lack of sleep, it certainly helped me not be wide awake at 4AM...
